Speaking at ITAM Virtual Summit 2024
April 2, 2024
Catch Panelist and CXO Nexus Founder Ken Male discuss:
Maximizing IT Asset Management: Strategies for Cost Optimization, Enhanced Visibility and Streamlining Operations
Day 2 | April 24 | 12pm – 1pm EST
In a report from Gartner, business intelligence and data analytics, cost optimization to fund innovation, and improving operational excellence ranked as the top priorities for CIOs and IT leaders today.
In this session, we’ll explore how IT asset management can drive a positive impact for all. Industry leaders will discuss how organizations can pragmatically sequence cost optimization and technology transformation to kickstart a flywheel of progress within the cloud ecosystem. Additionally, we’ll explore how AI can revolutionize automation and enhance customer experiences through the lens of ITAM.

Becky Trevino

Ken Male
CXO Nexus

Rich Gibbons
ITAM Review

Scott Jensen

Trent Allgood
🗓️ Mark your calendars for April 23-25, from 12 pm to 1 pm EST.
During this three-day event, we’ll dive into powerful and practical strategies to enhance data insights and optimize operations.
What’s in store?
- C-level executives, IT professionals, and financial experts will gain valuable insights into ways to transform their business and optimize costs.
- We’ll explore how to achieve data visibility and streamline operations.
- Ready your organization for an AI future.