InCight® Insider
Briefs featuring client outcomes with CIO InCight®

Year-end purchases?
2021 budgets are based on 2020 purchasing assumptions. Check with your business partners on deals that must close by year-end that are not in 2021 approved projects. Missing on a year-end purchase that rolls over in to 2021 may adversely impact the 2021 expense and capital budgets of the business. This includes items that automatically renew that you may want to re-negotiate, including maintenance contracts. Due to Covid-19, suppliers are more receptive to review existing discounts.

Customer challenges and insights gained by using CIO InCight.
Each one is a chapter in discovery, finding hidden details of the vendor spend data ingested. Our ML & AI-driven Intelligent Fusion Engine IFE® is used to clean and normalize down to the item level and will reveal actionable information.