June 2021
Cost Center Clarity
Fellow InCighters,
This month, we feature the ability to process Cost Center hierarchies that seamlessly detail where spend occurs outside of central IT management. The Nexus Automation Engine™ uses advanced AI & ML technologies to ingest and normalize an organization’s spend data by assigning categories, detailing supplier and manufacturer parentage, incorporating custom metadata, aligning cost center hierarchies, and more. Data sources include: Accounts Payable, T&E, P Card, Invoices and Purchase Orders.
From the IT CFO:
“Lack of functionality from our in place financial systems combined with our inability to analyze T&E and P Card spend via homegrown processes had left us in the dark on business led IT spend. CIO InCight's automated functionality, including Cost Center and Categorization views of our vendor spend, enables us to centralize all IT purchasing. By eliminating discrete purchasing by the lines of business, we have greater leverage with our OEMs, software publishers and service providers along with risk mitigation. Cost Center views are one of my go-to looks when we get our refresh of InCight each month.”
Use Case:
In this video clip, NASDAQ discusses how CIO InCight enabled Cost Center Clarity at the product level.

Have questions?
We can help you in researching specific vendor spend. Send an e-mail to support to request assistance from a Customer Success representative .
If you have issues signing in contact us at support@cxonexus.com.
Leif Easterson
Global Head Customer Success

Transforming Data to InCight®

Customer challenges and insights gained by using CIO InCight.
Each one is a chapter in discovery, finding hidden details of the vendor spend data ingested. Our ML & AI-driven Intelligent Fusion Engine IFE® is used to clean and normalize down to the item level and will reveal actionable information.