Maximizing IT Efficiency: Data-Driven Strategies for Cost Optimization

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CXO Nexus InCight Brief 2024

CXO Nexus InCight Brief July 2024

CXO InCight® Overview

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Client Outcomes

M&A Spend Management: Expediting Optimization

According to McKinsey, an organization’s Vendor Spend represents on average 25 to 40 percent of a merger’s total cost-saving potential. Core to achieving this is building the right foundation; a combined spend baseline and taxonomy.

Tech Spend in T&E Expenses InCight Insider

Tech Spend in T&E Expenses

This month in the InCight Insider we feature an example of how IT, Finance and Procurement leadership identified a wide variety of IT spend by Business Unit (BU) in their SAP Concur T&E system by deploying CIO InCight™, the automated source of truth for all Technology Vendor Spend. The blue arrows point to BU’s purchasing technology directly, not in collaboration with the IT organization. (Note we highlight 3 anonymized BU’s below. T&E IT spend was happening in several others as well.)

Reduce Carbon Footprint & Optimize Vendor Spend 

This month we feature how a client leverages their TruSpend® (direct + purchasing via resellers) on core IT Infrastructure to reduce both their Carbon footprint and spend.  

Automation eliminates manual oversight

This month we feature examples of how a client achieved desired objectives by automating the cleansing, classification and categorization of their vendor spend.

M&A Spend Management: Expediting Optimization

According to McKinsey, an organization’s Vendor Spend represents on average 25 to 40 percent of a merger’s total cost-saving potential. Core to achieving this is building the right foundation; a combined spend baseline and taxonomy.

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