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CXO Nexus InCight Brief 2024

CXO Nexus InCight Brief July 2024

CXO InCight® Overview

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Client Outcomes

C Suite Collaboration Improves P&L

The intuitive, out of the box visibility that CIO InCight® provides for IT Vendor spend has been a tremendous collaboration platform for office of the C suite to identify and implement cost optimization strategies that have a positive impact on the P&L. This month we feature how a client leverages InCight as the centralized system of truth and feature two recent optimization plays.

Cloud TruSpend®

Our client highlighted this month uses CIO InCight’s automated vendor TruSpend to identify the full gamut of Cloud purchasing by: IT, the lines of business and what is transacted direct or indirect.

Unmasking Reseller Spend

Enterprise Technology purchasing via resellers is universal, as a result knowing the total spend with your OEMs, Software Publishers and Service Providers is not possible as in place financial systems are not designed to unmask the reseller spend. This results in loss of negotiating leverage and excess suppliers. This month we highlight how a client leverages the AI & ML based TruSpend® from CIO InCight® that reveals the all-in spend with their vendors, both direct and what is purchased via reseller.

Cost Center Clarity

This month, we feature the ability to process Cost Center hierarchies that seamlessly detail where spend occurs outside of central IT management. The Nexus Automation Engine™ uses advanced AI & ML technologies to ingest and normalize an organization’s spend data by assigning categories, detailing supplier and manufacturer parentage, incorporating custom metadata, aligning cost center hierarchies, and more. Data sources include: Accounts Payable, T&E, P Card, Invoices and Purchase Orders.

Tech Spend in T&E Expenses InCight Insider

Tech Spend in T&E Expenses

This month in the InCight Insider we feature an example of how IT, Finance and Procurement leadership identified a wide variety of IT spend by Business Unit (BU) in their SAP Concur T&E system by deploying CIO InCight™, the automated source of truth for all Technology Vendor Spend. The blue arrows point to BU’s purchasing technology directly, not in collaboration with the IT organization. (Note we highlight 3 anonymized BU’s below. T&E IT spend was happening in several others as well.)

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